September Prayer Letter

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Dear Pastors and Friends,

Wet and warm greetings from the tropics of Panama! We are in our winter months, which means it rains just about every day.

Anniversary Sunday!

Sunday, September 21st, we celebrated our ninth year as a church. We held services on our property and excitement was in the air. We had one tent donated for the event, we rented two

tents and we bought another one. We did not put too much effort in invi?ng a big amount of people due to the fact that we had a limited amount of rented chairs. We were expec?ng around 200 but God brought in a liBle over 300. We were able to rent bouncy houses for the kids, coBon candy, snow cones, food, and more! We asked God to hold off on the rain un?l aFer the event and He did; it didn’t start raining un?l the very end of the clean-up. God is so good! We had quite a few visitors and we are praying for God to work in their hearts and we look forward to following up with them.

Our Property! It’s official! We purchased property; we just received the paperwork and it’s officially ours! We received the paperwork exactly nine years to the date from when we held our first church service in Dolega, Panama. God is good!

Construc9on has begun! We started construc?on just last week with a group of five men from the United States to help us. They were a blessing in more ways than one. We have the holes dug for the founda?on.

We will be star?ng with the founda?on and the pillars and then the roof. Our goal is to build the pillars and the roof first so we can con?nue building when it rains (which is every day) and also at the same ?me we can start holding our church services on our property.

Please consider helping us with the construc?on fund. We’ve had to pay almost $3,000 just in paperwork,

taxes, and reports. We are very grateful for Granbury Bap?st Church who came and helped us with buying the tools and digging the holes. That was an added blessing from God. Any

help financially will be a huge blessing and will help us to quicken our way to reaching our goal.

You also are invited to come and see for yourself what God is doing through our ministry, have a hands-on approach with the construc?on.

We covet your prayers and thank you for your faithful support! For further informa?on or progress you may contact us at or call us on our Magic Jack line (941) 313-9520.

Reaching Panama for Jesus! Your servants in Christ,

The Rodriguez’

One Reply to “September Prayer Letter”

  1. I would like to find out more about your work in Panama. I am very interested in the area David. My sister-in-law is from there and she has children, her Mom, and grandchildren in that area. I would love to have them get involved with the Baptist Church there. Thank you for your help. Charlotte Brady, 4504 Forest Drive, Laurel, MS 39440, 601-764-8725.

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