January 2016 news letter

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January 2016

Dear Pastor and Friends,

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter.  We do not know about you but for us 2015 flew by. We are excited to bring in the new year, we have made changes and new goals for 2016.

We had to stop building for a few months due to lack of funds but, Praise the Lord, the beginning of January we started back up again. Together with many churches, individuals and our own church members, we raised a little over $5,000, what we calculated was needed to finish blocking up the whole church and bathrooms. We are grateful for EVERYONE who has donated towards this project. Although it seems we are almost there, we still have a lot more to do. We covet your prayers and support for the upcoming projects.

We are in our summer months which means hot and dry. We are starting our Vacation Bible schools and teen camps. Please pray for these activities, for the Lord to work in hearts and for spiritual decisions to be made; for us to be able to reach more people for Christ.

Our family is doing well. We´ve had a few coughs here and sniffles there, but that is to be expected with the change of climate. School is out for the Marcucci sisters (our foster daughters). They are registered for the next school year, they will be going to spend some time with their older brother´s. Some will be going to camp. We´ll have a full house in March when they all get back for school.

We really are praying to be able to add onto our house another room and bathroom to accomodate everyone a little better. Will you please pray about this project with us?

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We also would like to invite to come visit us and see for yourself what the God is doing in Panama!

Your servants in Christ,

Rafael & Tracy Rodriguez


Prayer Requests:


  1. 15/16 passenger van for our family
  2. The funds to add on another room and a bathroom to our house
  3. The funds to put up a fence around our house for more security
  4. The funds for homeschool curriculum for our kids


  1. Another van or bigger vehicle for our church. We have reached our limit of where we can reach due to lack of transportation. We have 1 bus and 1 minivan, both we load up to máximum and make double trips).
  2. The funds to finish our building this year. We are going by phases. The Lord has provided the money for the bathrooms, blocking up the building, and spackling. The next phase will be the flooring.
  3. To reach more people for Christ, and for spiritual growth.
  4. Our families, some have been enduring heavy attacks from the devil, facing possible divorce.

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